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Are you ready?


The Grand Game of Story™

Pilot Group Forming 


Every time you face a transition, be it emotional, physical or spiritual, you face the Call to Adventure, as Joseph Campbell named it, to recreate your life. This 3-month program provides a path, tools and processes, fellow travelers, and a seasoned guide for the journey. But it also goes deeper, and provides a gateway into the magical wonderland of your own personal mythology.


This 6-part program takes you through a process to explore the personal, ancestral and cultural stories or “mythology” that shapes your life from the inside out. Grounded in psychology, mythology, feminist theory and writing, this unique experience occurs within the framework of stories—writing them, telling them, and using one-of-a-kind tools and processes.



About the Pilot Designer/Facilitator:


M. Carolyn Miller, MA, is a senior instructional designer and professional writer. She was also the first participant for this program. It was the subject of her graduate thesis, and grew out of a personal need to recreate her life after multiple losses. A story and game-maker by trade, Carolyn’s discovery of personal mythology changed her life, her work, and her worldview.

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